Some extra information

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Shetland wool week and local studies

On Instagram there was a lot of recent activity for #shetlandwoolweek. I found out about it last year and it looked amazing, and something to add to the "to visit" list. I am interested in it because of the knitting, but also because of the local studies.

The image below brings in a library partnership as a participant reports back on the Shetland wool week

I hope the local public library in Shetland is collecting some of these images as there are twists on the traditional, for example (inclusion of runes)
A photo posted by Cathy Scott - Stitchmastery (@stitchmastery) on
It is interesting because there is a focus on the sheep
A photo posted by Carrie Sundra (@alpenglowyarn) on
as well as the finished product. Heritage items were on display
as new pieces were being made...
I think this is very interesting from a local studies perspective, and would have great potential for oral history and other recording of current experience. There was even a readers' advisory element as well
A photo posted by kschneibolk (@kschneibolk) on

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Sheep and local studies

There has been an interesting discussion on Instagram encouraging people in the UK to share photographs of rare sheep breeds...

This is from the UK, and many of these sheep are connected to local areas. This has led to some lovely photographs of sheep...
A photo posted by Team Wovember (@wovemberwool) on
As well as photographs of items made with the wool of rare sheep breeds
It made me hope that some UK public libraries are collecting this for their local studies collections.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A knitting pattern copyright discussion on Instagram

I found out about this discussion because I saw this (you need to read the information under the photograph)

A photo posted by Felicity Ford (@knitsonik) on
which was reposted by others, and led to one person sharing their photograph of the hat they had knitted with the original pattern, calling others to do the same...
...which led to more people sharing their photographs...
There are more examples at #getyourbabblesoot.

 Only a few days ago the pattern creator had shared
I thought this was an interesting way of dealing with copyright misuse. They are working through Ravelry as well.

An update has been posted by the original designer. It is worth checking the number of likes and comments as there is a lot of solidarity being shown.

Monday, October 3, 2016

The Hunt Library visualization experience

I really like the way I can find out about some of the amazing things happening at this library.  They are doing amazing things, and are sharing them - which is just as important.