Some extra information

Friday, May 9, 2014

Reading Room - temporary installation at the National Gallery of Victoria

Reading Room (have a look at the photographs at the link) is interesting.  It looks like it is for short term reading (hard surface to sit on), and for a limited number of people (otherwise you would be browsing, or rather not browsing because of the forest of legs).  It is also for people who can stand up without arms on their chairs (so mobility issues are harder - as are accessing the higher shelves for people in wheelchairs or with limited mobility for climbing shelves).

It is interesting because it is making me think about reading spaces, and the layers, light and mirrors seems to add to the experience.  So this temporary space is helping inform my thinking of more permanent reading space for interest, access and comfort. There are times to provide hard seating - to move people on faster.  The browsing is more of a challenge, because with a few more people seated it would feel really awkward browsing, or it may be a total deterrent because of not being able to see the titles because of the legs.  If people chose to lie down to read, it would block other shelves instead.

It is helpful having this artwork to help within thinking about reading spaces.