Some extra information

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The knitting reference library at the University of Southampton

The University of Southampton library includes the Knitting Reference Library.  It contains collections gathered by Richard drug, Montserrat Stanley and Jane Waller.

You can find out more about it from the library web site.  It includes some digitised works, so could be of interest to library clients doing knitting related research, 
or looking to explore heritage knitting in a different way.  They also have a blog. It could be interesting 
information to show any knitting groups who meet in  your library.

Capel Garmon natives I came across this information while reading Rowan 54.

Reading about this reminded me that many libraries, for reasons of legal deposit, or historic collecting practices  would contain materials relating to knitting, crochet and woodwork, but these were often not receiving the same publicity, except rarely, as many other digitised materials.  I really liked that the University of Southampton is valuing this part of the collection.

The newspapers on Trove Australia can also be a useful way to research knitting.There is knitting research and discussion about knitting research taking place, and these online resources help.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"You can't force art" or writing? Really?

I have just read an excellent post by Chuck Wendig called "you can't force art".  Follow the link to his post before you read further.  The post by Mr Wendig is nsfw.

I had been thinking about doing more writing, to improve it.  It is an area I struggle with, so reading this post today reminded me that I have to work at it.  I knew this, but the reminder still helps.  Mr Wendig is talking about creative writing, but I am going to apply the skills to my writing which is library related.  I have not sat around waiting for inspiration (as that would rarely work), but I have procrastinated (which is not quite the same thing), so I will be working on reducing my procrastination as well as increasing my writing.  When I work regularly at writing, it does work.  I write more, and I think about writing more, and it helps my ideas in a whole range of areas.  This is not so much about the report writing and other writing I do at work as part of my work.  This is more about papers, and blog post ideas.

This does not mean there will be a blog post every day, but there may be a few more.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Mapping reading

I have just found out about this website, called Placing literature : where your book meets the map.  I really like (as in really really like) the concept.  I have a minor quibble with the name, but that is all.  I will assume that the setting location of any novel can be mapped (not just works of fiction which are described as being literary or as being literature).  I think it would be great to see all the urban fantasy mapped against the location it takes place in.  We need Chuck Wendig mapped in New York, and Paul Cornell in London.  We also need Anne Gracie's romance titles mapped in their various locations, and Cassandra Claire and Jennifer Crusie showing up as well.  I have not checked the map in detail for these, and all the sites I have looked at so for fit in "literary", but I would hope that works by these authors would be welcome.

I have noticed that some non-fiction is being mapped as well - Pepys diary has made its way in (but maybe that is a clever comment about diaries being our own personal fiction?)

It is a great site - and a big thank you to the people who have created it.

View International Crime Fiction Map in a larger map

Another mapping of location is the International Crime Fiction map (via @cfwriter).  So this might mean if you are mapping crime fiction you may want to include it on both maps.