Some extra information

Sunday, April 10, 2011

NGV use of social media

NGV use of social media by ellen forsyth
NGV use of social media, a photo by ellen forsyth on Flickr.
When leaving the National Gallery Victoria you are prompted to subscribe to an e-mail newsletter, find them on facebook and twitter or to download their free app. They also have a Youtube channel.  It is an unmissable sign and a welcoming way to connect with the gallery.

Melbourne Museum and social media

The Melbourne Museum wants to make it really easy for you to connect with them online. They have signs around the museum prompting you to connect with the via facebook, twitter, Flickr, YouTube or Foursquare. They also had signs advertising their free wifi.  They have a free ipad app Please touch the exhibit.

I like the way they prompt and do not assume that you know where to find them online.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Specfic teacosy by ellen forsyth
Specfic teacosy, a photo by ellen forsyth on Flickr.
My reading for the month of March, for #readit2011 included:
The black prism by Brent Weeks – this was a reread because Brent Weeks was speaking at the #ra2011 seminar. I saved rereading The night angel trilogy for later in the year on holidays, hoarding it up for June. I enjoyed reading The black prism when it came out last year, and I really enjoyed rereading it. There are wonderful twists and turns, and just totally amazing ideas. The whole use of colour is incredible. I am really looking forward to the rest of the series as I know it will be a really entertaining and engaging journey with lots of surprises. I really enjoyed having the opportunity to hear Brent Weeks talk about his work (by Skype) at #ra2011.

Among others by Jo Walton has a character who is enthusiastic in her use of libraries and a very keen reader. Inter library loans are frequently mentioned, as is the reading group run by the local public library. There is also quite a discussion of fantasy and science fiction writing as part of the story. Cory Doctorow put it much better than me.

A wise man’s fear by Patrcik Rothfuss follows The name of the wind. This is a story about stories and story telling. With the adventures of Kvothe we are to question what he is telling us, is it really what happened or how much did he leave out. There are so many stories about Kvothe and we are apparently getting told what really happened, but then something happens to throw doubt on this. It will be very interesting to see where Rothfuss goes next with this story.

  • The Mongoliad by Neal Stephenson, Greg Bear and others. This is a serial novel, which I am now up to date with, and am reading each chapter as it comes out each week. It is an amazing and wonderful read. I am looking forward to many more months (years?) of reading with this. It is a remarkable work. I have included it as a finished read because I am up to date with all I can possibly read of it. Note this is a free e-book although I have paid for additional content.
  • The ride of a lifetime: doing business the Orange County Chopper Way by Paul Teutul SR with Mark Yost. This was a nice one, with good practical business tips. A fast read this is one of the best business/management books I have read
  • A matter of class by Mary Balough (a late arriving reserve for #heartreads) HEA with a twist
  • Nordic LARP edited by Jackko Stenros and Markus Montola. This weighty read is interesting and complex as it catalogues and describes the many twists and turns of live action role playing in Nordic areas
  • Little brother by Cory Doctorow was good reading at the blood bank (I read a free version on my phone)
  • The last watch by Sergei Lukyanenko is an amazing read. I hope more of his work is translated as he is a very interesting writer
  • Virtual worlds real libraries : librarians and educators in Second life and other virtual worlds edited by Lori Bell and Rhonda B Trueman – this is a good introductory work if you are new to this area

Also reading New Scientist, Jamie, Delicious

I have started several books I decided not to finish, and several more which will be finished in the next few months.